Night Blossom Recipe


The Official Disney Parks Celebration Cookbook by Pam Brandon features 101 official recipes from Disney park festivals features some of the most delicious and adored foods, so you can create Disney magic at home! Each recipe is just right for preparing in home kitchens and has been tested by real home chefs. Check it out!

Night Blossom

Night Blossom

Colorful and tasty!



  1. Mix together limeade, apple juice concentrate, and strawberry watermelon juice.
  2. Pour into an ice cream machine and run 8 minutes, or until slushy.
  3. Mix in pink and purple food coloring.
  4. Use a blender to blend together lime sherbet and lemon-lime soda.
  5. Divide 1/2 pink limeade mix into the bottom of two large glasses.
  6. Add 1/2 green mix to each, then layer on remaining pink mix.
  7. Top with passion fruit boba balls.

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