Stormtrooper Cake Recipe


The Official Disney Parks Celebration Cookbook by Pam Brandon features 101 official recipes from Disney park festivals features some of the most delicious and adored foods, so you can create Disney magic at home! Each recipe is just right for preparing in home kitchens and has been tested by real home chefs. Check it out!

Stormtrooper Cake

Stormtrooper Cake

Stormtrooper cake


  • 9" x 13" sheet cake, baked from your favorite recipe
  • 2 cupcakes
  • White frosting
  • Dark chocolate frosting
  • Black decorator icing
  • Black decorator gel
  • #10 decorator tip
  • Parchment paper
  • Scissors


  1. Draw a helmet template, cut it out, and trace it onto parchment paper.
  2. Cut the template from the parchment paper and place it on the cooled 9" x 13" cake.
  3. Run a sharp knife around the edge of the template. This will score the cake and leave the outline of the template.
  4. Remove the template and cut out the helmet shape using a serrated knife.
  5. Remove the excess cake.
  6. Use a knife to draw a line a few inches from the top of the helmet. Frost the cake with white frosting below the line and chocolate frosting above the line.
  7. For the ears of the Mickey hat, frost the top and sides of the cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Place the cupcakes at the top of the helmet.
  8. Once the cake is frosted, place a #10 tip on the tube of black decorator icing.
  9. Use a knife to lightly outline the stormtrooper's features.
  10. Once you are happy with the outlined features, it's time to use the black decorator icing to pipe on the Stormtrooper's eyes, nose, and mouth.
  11. Use the gel icing for finer details, as it has a smoother consistency and the tube has a narrow tip.

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